Chilling out in Gijon

Gijon is the most populated city in Asturias, but walking its streets, it has a spirit of a small town. Probably lacking some architectural protection, there is a historic building right next to a big modern one, creating an incosistent hodgepodge. But the feeling of the city is calm, friendly and inviting.

It’s often windy in Gijon, but on a less windy day, a walk around the Parque del Cerro with the Elogio del horizonte monument is very nice. There is a former battery on clifs, overlooking the sea.

Elogio del Horizonte
Parque del Cerro with the Elogio del Horizonte monument

I also recommend a walk around Cimavilla, taking in the atmosphere, having a coffee here and a vermouth there, walking by Capilla de Soledad and eventually emerging by the Plaza del Marquez. There you can admire the Palacio de Revillagigedo and if lucky, also take a peak inside. A rarity right next to the square by the marina, Arbol de la Sidra is a work of art made from empty bottles of cider. When the wind is right, it even makes a slight whistling sound.

Arbol de la Sidra
Palacio de Revillagigedo
Plaza del Marquez
Plaza Mayor

There are two main beaches stretching from Cimavilla. Playa de Poniente right behind the marina is good for swimming and chilling out on a warm day. Playa San Lorenzo on the other side is a surfing beach with a nice long promenade to watch the efforts of local surfers.

Playa de Poniente
Playa San Lorenzo

On one side of Playa San Lorenzo, Iglesia San Pedro takes a beautiful spot over the sea and is very photogenic, with its original floor plan. On the other side, beautiful Parque de Isabel la Católica invites for a stroll among the flower beds. There is also a café, a playground and a spot with birds.

Iglesia San Pedro
Parque Isabel la Católica
Parque Isabel la Católica

In between the two beaches lies the city center. Just get lost in the streets and enjoy the atmosphere and nice Belle Epoque facades. It is just a pitty that they build various modern building of different heights right next to these beautiful old buildings.

Our favourite places for drink?

  • Rub a Dub (vermouth, tap beer and coffee)
  • Black Sea (beer)
  • Señor Lúpolo Despacho de Cervezas (10 taps and a well stocked shop)
  • El Coleccionista (beer and original table design)
  • Casa Lúpolo Taproom
  • Cervecería Morrison
  • Sidreria La Tabacalera
Little square with Rub a Dub and Black Sea bars
Rub a Dub
Table at El Coleccionista
Table at El Coleccionista
Sidreria La Tabacalera and not the right way to pour sidra (always pour just a little)



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